Saturday, March 28, 2009


First off, this is obviously my first post on this new blog I'm trying out. A little about me. I'm a long time comic book collector/fan, going back to when first started "collecting" comics at age ten in 1982 (if not even earlier). I also like to read science fiction, biographies, history, and books about sports and other forms of pop culture that I happen to have an interest in (vaudeville, old time radio, early/"classic" TV, etc.).

I have lived in Florida (born in Tampa, raised in Brandon; also Port Charlotte and Arcadia) and Georgia (four years up in the north part of the state in Cleveland, Georgia--wonderful mountain scenery up there!--and a year plus now in the Atlanta area).

I'm a librarian. I've been a high school media specialist, a college reference librarian, and, currently, a public library children's librarian.

The purpose of this blog is to keep a running journal of what I've been reading and/or viewing. Entries will probably vary in regards to length and detail. Some might simply be a set list of details (title, author/s, dates, etc.). Others might go into a bit more detail, discussing the plot, things I liked or didn't care for about the comic/book/TV show/whatever.

For the past few years I've had my own personal website over on Yahoo/GeoCities. For most of that time, it has served my purposes well enough. (Note: It was a paid web hosting service.) However, the past week has been very frustrating for me as I've had an incident where I could not (still can not as of the time of this writing) access my own Yahoo account (most likely due to unauthorized tampering by unknown parties, I presume), and Yahoo's customer service has been some of the worst I've ever experienced. Not the actual customer service reps, per se, but the way Yahoo handles these situations. You can call up and talk to their billing and ID verification departments, but the department that I really need to talk to that can resolve the situation is their "account security" department and they communicate via email (and, when requesting certain information from you, via fax).

Long story short, at the time that I am writing this I have been without access to my own email account for five days and don't really know just when this situation will be rectified. If this was purely a free email account, that'd be one thing. But I'm a paying subscriber to their web hosting service and therefore I believe that I deserve speedier and more helpful service than I have been receiving.

So, I have decided that even once this current situation has been resolved, Yahoo will be getting no more of my money. Therefore, I am trying out new things. A Gmail account, this blog, etc.

One of the pages I had been keeping on my Yahoo website was a comics reading blog, complete with a sidebar index link by title (so that one could browse which titles and issues I'd already read and commented on and click on the links, bringing them right to that particular entry). I also had a "Star Trek Chronological Reading" page (which is probably self explanatory; my attempt to read/watch all of the various Star Trek novels, short stories, TV episodes, movies, etc. in their proper chronological order, or something close to it. Both of those pages fell way off of my radar the past year or so, though, as I switched jobs, moved, and had other things going on. I'm hoping that the "labels" system will allow me to move these projects over here.

Well, that's all I'll write for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and, if you like, please feel free to post comments if something sparks your interest enough to wish to do so.

David Young

P.S.: Blog address would have been "YoungTrek" but it seems that someone else already has that address here at blogger. So, I went with the abbreviated, "YTrek".

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