Sunday, April 5, 2009

An overview of what else was coming out from DC at the same time as Watchmen

I just wrote this up for one of the internet groups that I'm on. Thought that it'd make for an interesting sidebar, showing what else was coming out from DC at the same time that Watchmen was:

Also, things at DC were pretty busy that twelve plus months that Watchmen was coming out. Crisis on Infinite Earths had just finished and the birth of the new post-Crisis "DC Universe" were just beginning.

Here's a look at selected DC titles, month-to-month (thanks to Mike's Amazing World of DC website's "Time Machine"):

June 1986 (cover date "September 1986): Watchmen #1; also, the last issue of DC Comics Presents (#97), the "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" two-parter in Superman #423 and Action Comics #583, the last issue of the Batman: The Dark Knight mini-series (#4); others:

July 1986 (cover date: "October 1986"): Watchmen #2; also, Batman #400, John Byrne's Man of Steel begins (#1 and 2); others:

August 1986 (cover date: "November 1986"): Watchmen #3; also, Men of Steel #3 and 4, Legends mini-series begins (#1) and Legends crossovers in many of DC other titles; others:

September 1986 (cover date: "December 1986") : Watchmen #4; also, Man of Steel #5 and 6, Legends #2, DC's Star Trek title celebrated the 20th anniversary of the original television series in its 33rd issue, DC spun Cosmic Boy off into his own mini-series (Cosmic Boy #1), Alan Davis was drawing Detective Comics (#569); others:

October 1986 (cover date: "January 1987"): Watchmen #5; also, Legends #3, the Superman "revamp" titles all began (Superman #1, Adventures of Superman #424, Action Comics #584), the History of the DC Universe two-part mini-series began (#1); also,

November 1986 (cover date: "February 1987"): Watchmen #6; also, Legends #4, Perez's Wonder Woman revamp begins (#1), "Batman: Year One" begins in Batman (#404), History of the DC Universe #2, Denny O'Neil and Denys Cowan's The Question series begins (#1; only bought a couple issues of this one, though); also,

(I'm going to have to split this into two entries as Blogger is saying that I can't put as many labels as I want to here ("1986-09 (Comics)", "1986-10 (Comics)", etc.).)

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